Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Agriculture Consultancy

Agriculture Consultancy

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Biomass: Bana Grass Plantation

The world's rain forests and green cover shrink as our demand for energy and dependence on fossil fuels continue to increase. With our very existence threatened by pollution from fossil fuels, the world has no choice but to reduce its carbon footprint. This is being done with the use of wind, solar, water, geothermal and biomass - all renewable energy resources. Mackay Green Energy, Inc. (MGE) has chosen biomass. Only through biosequestration, the capture and storage of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, with a dedicated bioenergy crop can we achieve a truly green solution. A hybrid, the Bana Grass (Mackay variety), with it's high yield, energy and crude protein contents, in conjunction with organic fertilizers, is our highly viable and sustainable bioenergy resource. A substantial crop can address requirements for biomass and coal (green coal from bana grass – better substitute) for existing and new power plants as well as feed stock and silage for cattle and other animals. In the process, we create jobs at all levels, from workers on the farms, to engineers in the plants, to executives at the corporate. MGE envisions a true green solution where man, earth and technology coalesce. MGE technologies are: bana grass, silage, torrefaction, green coal, green power and green based (organic) fertilizers.


Bana Grass: Cane

Leaves of Bana Grass / Tops: Preparation for Sillage (for feeds)

Processed bana grass using Pyrolysis to produce Bio-Charcoal


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